Thursday, March 29, 2007

late night

I love staying up late. I think better and do more. Too bad the rest of the world isn't set up that way. Right now I am stretching both my feet, I have teeth whitener trays in and i put on fake tanning stuff after my shower. Multitasking at it's best. Anyway, here is a funny story that Rush told the other day. It illustrates a negative to smoking bans in bars and restaurants. there was a guy at a bar that got kicked out of the bar for his horrible flatulence.
the thing is, he had been going to the bar for years and flatulating but no one could smell it because of the smoke.
when the smoking ban was initiated everyone could smell it and started getting sick so they kicked him out!!! Some of us can identify. OK time to tame the whitener trays out.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Love the blog - and glad you have written often! It entertains me at work... :)