Monday, March 26, 2007

my first posting

I have joined the world of blogging!! I had to have surgery on my foot and have spent lots of downtime so I thought I might as well set up a blog to chronicle my recooperation. I have spent two weeks with no weight bearing using crutches all the time. Now I can do partial weight bearing on that foot but I still use crutches for another week. Also, I have to wear a brace that passively stretches my foot for 6 hours a day (does not have to be consecutive). i don't remember the dr. teling me about this! I have been able to do things but I have been surprized at how much energy it takes. I just had to get out of the house yesterday and I went shopping for about an hour. I hobbled around T.J. Maxx with one crutch and the shopping cart. I was sweating and exhausted in no time!!! Me, a veteran shopper had to give up and go home!! For the most part I have enjoyed the time to do lots of quiet things. I have read two books by Sue Grafton, A is for Alibi and B is for Burgler. I also finished a book about Queen Isabella of England (1300's). She was the one in Braveheart who had the gay husband, Edward II. It was slow reading but interesting.

I picked "Chair of bowlies " for my titile because I have always thought the mary Englebright
saying,"Life is just a chair of bowlies" was funny. Maybe I can find a picture of it later.


David Osborne said...

I am disappointed in you Suzy Q! I suggest that you set a workout schedule so that you can shop for longer: Start with a half an hour or so, and then start bumping it up each day. Don't rush yourself; if you feel winded, just take one step back and try again tomorrow.

I like the "Chair of Bowlies" title. I have subscribed to your feed! Please do an article on football and which kinds of football games you prefer, close ones or not so close ones.

Castleman Family said...

Happy Birthday and happy first posting! I'll put a link from my site to yours.

I suport David's work-out shopping idea - I'm all for you shopping because usually it's my kids that benefit!

Unknown said...

Welcome to blog-land, Suzy!
I am excited to have this venue to get to know you better!
Just a may want to change your set-up to include comments from other people (not just google account holders or bloggers). There should be a way to change it.